Peru │ The Incredible Land of Inca

Peru has long been on my bucket list. She is much more than Machu Picchu, whether you flirt in the history of the Lima’s colonial quarter, hit the sand dunes in Huacachina, or take a swim in Titicaca, the world’s highest lake. Out of my 3 weeks South America vacation, I put together a plan and create Trip Pillars, to spend a week in Peru. Your pillars represent the sights you are NOT willing to miss on your trip.

My trip pillars are not your usual “checking off the sights”. It is a deliberate decision to select and visit, for example 5 out of 12 sights (pillars) and not to rush for all. Peru has many pillars such as Lima, Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Cusco, Nasca Lines, Huacachina, Puno & Lake Titicaca, Iquitos & Amazon Rainforest, Arequipa The Colca Canyon and Ballestas Islands.


Identifying trip pillars in Peru is very important in the planning process. You can spend the entire month exploring Peru, or choose your pillars and plan around them. I always know what I wanted to see in my vacation and will share my 5 Peru Trip Pillars (and tips).

#1 Machu Picchu│ The New 7 Wonders of The World

Key highlights: Cusco and Machu Picchu are at elevation of 3,400m and 2,340m respectively. Next, you can either choose Inca Hiking Trail (4 or 2 days options) or Train Ride to Machu Picchu. Lastly, Tip 1: Dedicate a full day in Machu Picchu itself. With the above said, once you adjust yourself to the altitude and opt for the train ride, Machu Picchu is just another tourist sight to visit.

IMG-20141230-WA0002Enjoying our scenic train ride to Machu Picchu town

If you opt for Inca trail, it is inevitable to join a tour and prepare your body for the physical demands of the trek. My husband and myself are not into trekking, we opt for the train ride. One can easily visit Machu Picchu on your own and hire a guide at the national park entrance. #diy

Do you know that Machu Picchu limits 2,500 visitors per day? There are only 3 train routes to Machu Picchu, with limited seating per timing, per route, per day? Tip 2: Buy both your train and Machu Picchu entrance ticket at least, 3 months in advance. Visit Peru Rail and Machu Picchu TicketsUpon returning from Poroy (the nearest train station to Cusco), one will need a driver to pick you up (1 hour to Cusco). 

Know the train stations of Machu PicchuKnow the train stations of Machu Picchu

3 months before my trip, my preferred timing tickets from Poroy to Aguas Calientes (4.5 hours ride) was sold out. My alternative plan was to take from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes. I would need transport from airport to Ollantaytambo station (1.5 hour drive). After much research, I found Mr. Nil Jamed to be our driver from airport to train station and back to Cusco. His price is reasonable and most importantly, he speaks English. His email address:

Tip 3: Stay one night at Aguas Calientes, also known as Machu Picchu Town. This is in-line with Tip 1. If all done on the same day, 4 hours train ride, followed by 1 hour bus ride and you only left with 2-3 hours to visit Machu Picchu?! Personally, it is very rush and doing injustice to The New 7 Wonders. Also, the weather is just so unpredictable. Upon our arrival to Aguas Calientes town, it was a downpour. Next day morning, Machu Picchu welcomed us with slight drizzle and fog. We waited till noon and the sun was out.

20141229_142900Unexpected Downpour at Aguas Calientes

Aguas Calientes is a well established tourist town. You can change your USD with local shops, eat the local delicacies and Wifi are available in most restaurants. Tip 4: Do note that the money changers in Peru do not accept USD which are old, dirty, folded or written. We have gotten quite a few rejections in the town of Aguas Calientes.

Tip 5: Queue early for the bus to-and-fro Machu Picchu. Nobody wrote much about the crazy, long (but moving) bus queue to Machu Picchu at Aguas Calientes town (as well as, the return leg). Be prepared for a good 30 – 45 minutes wait. This is the official bus (and the only way up-down) to Machu Picchu. Tip 6: Passport is REQUIRED to enter Machu Picchu




It doesn’t matter how many places you have been before, or how many spectacular sights you have seen, until you step foot on Machu Picchu, you always feel that you are missing something in your repertoire of travels. Perching at 2,340m, halfway up the Andes Plateau and above the Urubamba River lies The Lost City of the Incas#spectacular #cutellamas





The mysterious Machu Picchu, an UNESCO site is at the top of every traveler’s bucket list (yes me too, ). I had a great day, exploring around and capturing many panoramic landscapes images. You must soak yourself (I so glad, I did) in this mystical ruins and linger with the local llama. #sacredness #beawe



Tip 7: Prepare a light day pack such as basic first-aid, water, pullover, raincoat & energy food. Tip 8: Clear your bladder at the entrance of Machu Picchu (the only restroom outside the national park). Tip 9: Hike to the Sun Gates of Machu Picchu, to get a picture-perfect vantage point.



Here is my short Machu Picchu video and with the llamas. I am blessed to visit some of the world’s reowned ruins and often stare in aweness, pondering the same old questions, “How was this marvel of engineering made? How was a civilization built high in the mountains and how were these heavy stones moved?



Machu Picchu’s stoneworks remain as one of the world’s great examples of the use of natural raw material, into outstanding architectures. Consider the size of these boulders and no machinery to split or lift them! I always tells my husband, “Intelligence of Ancient Engineers & Architects versus Modern Reliance on Technology”. #incredibleincanruins



Tip 10: Remember to get your Machu Picchu stamp on your passport as you exit Machu Picchu. I was totally unaware of this till a fellow traveller shared with me after my visit. #ouch


20150112_130329Taken from a fellow traveller (Not mine, sob sob)

#2 Cusco│ The Inca and Spanish Baroque City

From Lima, one can take 21 hours of bus or an hour flight to Cusco. I allocated a full day to tour Pisa Market & Sacsayhuaman Ruins. However, after our early brunch the weather was gloomy and began to drizzle. I felt very sluggish, decided to drop it and relax with my husband in Cusco old town, while my two girlfriends continued the day tour.

20141231_131557View of Plaza de Armas

20141231_131432View of Cusco Cathedral

During the rule of the Inca, Cusco (also spelled “Cuzco”), it was the political seat of the empire and served as a cultural and religious centre. The Spanish took control of Cusco in 1534, tore down the Inca temples and grafted splendid churches and mansions onto their foundations. Cusco is today an amazing amalgam of the Inca capital and the colonial city.

Cusco has various marvelous Baroque churches namely: (a) Cathedral of Cusco, (b) La Compania de Jesus and (c) Capilla del Santisimo Sacramento.

IMG_1798Cusco Cathedral

IMG_1784La Compania de Jesus

20141231_132930Door Design of La Compania de Jesus

20141231_170801Capilla del Santisimo Sacramento in Cusco

20141231_165108Outside Capilla del Santisimo Sacramento in Cusco

Strolling along the steep, cobblestone streets of Cusco preserves some impressive vestiges: Walls of meticulously cut granite or andesite, rectilinear streets and yet, there remains the freshly whitewashed squat houses. Cusco, an UNESCO site definitely achieves the fusion of the Plateresco, Mudejar or Churrigueresco styles with the Inca tradition.

20141231_163152Incan Stoned Walls

20141231_172445New & Old Incan Walls

20141231_181103Cusco Whitewashed Houses

20141231_102727Cusco Photographers



We spent our New Year Eve in Cusco, at Plaza de Armas streets filled of fireworks, happy celebrations and travellers from around the world.

20150101_000304New Year Eve Celebration at Plaza de Armas


After my Cusco trip, I strongly suggest a 3 full days in Cusco. Day 1 in Cusco Old Town, Day 2 is the standard tour of Sacred Valley, Pisac Market (Sundays only) and Sacsayhuaman Ruins (UNESCO). I highly recommend Day 3 to South Valley of Cusco, to visit the stunning San Pedro de Andahuaylillas (Sistine Chapel of America) as well as, Uraco and Huaro. I learnt this after visiting La Compania de Jesus in Cusco. #neverending

MapSouth Valley of Cusco Map. Source from Internet

#3 Lima│ The Peruvian Viceroyal Architecture

Besides my pursuit of natural landscapes vacationing, another preference of mine is to visit ancient, beautiful architectures & interesting artifacts round the world. The Peruvian viceroyal architecture, between the 16th and 19th centuries was characterized by the importation and adaptation of European architectural styles to the Peruvian reality. #perubalcony #perupatios

IMG_1823Municipal Palace Of Lima

20150101_155823The Colourful Plaza Mayor of Lima

20150101_160221The Cathedral at Historic Centre of Lima

The Historic Center of Lima, a UNESCO World Heritage is filled with beautifully restored colonial, neo-classical and art nouveau style buildingsPlaza de Armas (or Plaza Mayor) is its main draw, with the 16th century cathedral towering over the presidential and mayor’s palaces. Lima, indeed one of the most architecturally diverse cities in the world.

20150101_161137The Archbishop’s Palace



20150101_161050The Archbishop’s Palace

It is a must to take a tour in Monastery of San Francisco. A 18th century church decorated with ornate woodcarvings, Spanish style mosaics and faience tiles. The catacombs are believed to house the remains of more than 25,000 people at the basement.




We visited the library of more than 25,000 antiques texts, the large choir songbooks displayed on floor stands and walked past through a series of beautiful courtyards. Tours are available from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Entrance fee is S/7.00 (USD 2.50).






There are some places you wish you have more time and Lima is one of them. She has so much more to offer, I suggest a full 2 days to continue (a) Torre Tagle Palace, (b) Plaza San Martin’s nouveau structures, (c) Barranco district – a mix of romantic and bohemia town and (d) Magical Water Circuit.

20150101_161722House of the Peruvian Literature

20150101_161945The Peruvian Balconies

20150101_161832The Walls of Lima

20150104_084028Graffiti in Lima

#4 Ica, Huacachina│An Adrenaline-filled Oasis

Two of my Peru trip pillars are in Ica – Huacachina and Nazca Lines. Most people signed up for a full day tour (Ballestas Islands, Sand Dune Buggy & Naza Lines), departing from Lima and returning same day (a crazy 15 hours). I have seen enough sea lions & penguins, hence I dropped Ballestas Islands. I preferred to travel to Ica, stayed over night and not rushed under a day tour. We took a taxi to Lima bus terminal, with coach ticket purchased 2 months in advance. Click here to check out more Cruz Del Sur Bus.



On the 5 hours coach ride Lima-Ica, we saw the housings was primitive and incomplete with roofs of corrugated iron, concrete, bricks and dirt stored. I learnt from the locals that the poor did not have the money, to pay for housing taxes, thus the government stopped.#countourblessings



I need to share my lovely stay in Hotel Villa Jazmin, Ica. Firstly, the room is spacious. Wifi is superb and breakfast is delicious. The GM, Moses even gave me a bag of Peruvian coffee beans (after my casual remarks). Most importantly, I booked my USD20, 1 hour Sand Dune Buggy and USD180, 1 hour Nazca Lines flights through my hotel. #onestopshop



We arrived 3:30pm at Ica Bus Terminal and took a taxi to Hotel Villa Jazmin. After dropping our bags at 4pm, the reception printed out our vouchers and we took a cab to a hotel (an aggregation point of other travellers) for our Sand Dune Buggy. We set off and headed off at 5pm. #excitement #wellprepared #memorable



Huacachina, also known as the “Oasis of America”, is located in the Ica Region in the southwestern area of Peru. With roughly 150 residents, this small oasis is more a “resort” for local families and adventurous travelers. Main activities are sandboarding and dune buggy. Let my pictures do the talking!





I had an incredible awesome time at Huacachina – Walking barefooted on the desert and “flying down” at 90 degree on a sand dune. My Huacachina Sand Dune video will give more justice (pardon my screamings). #adrenalinerush #beautifulsunset




#5 Naza Lines│ One of the World’s Great Mysteries

From my hotel, it is only 5 minutes away to The Aerodrome of Ica. I paid USD180 including hotel transfers. I booked a 10 am flight as my returning coach to Lima was 2pm on the same day. Tip 1: Travellers can travel to Cusco from Nasca Lines direction, subject to how you route your Peru holiday.




Upon arrival at the airport, our flight was delayed. Nonetheless, we were checked in, weighed ourselves (a private plane for 12 seaters) and took off at 11am. The captain and co-pilot introduced themselves and shortly after 30 minutes, I was flying over the plains of Nasca. The mysterious and spectacular flagship Nasca Lines are recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of humanity. #excitedme #bucketlistchecked





How can I not complete Peru with Nasca Lines? Why the need for an aerial perspective? Because of the immensity of the geoglyphs that appear as if they’ve been etched into the ground below: Spiders, llamas, fish, monkeys, and some of them stretching more than 600 feet across. Tip 2: Use your camera phone to take the shot as DSLR lens are not so suitable in my opinion.


2015-01-19 16.40.31Heron Bird (Alcatraz)

2015-01-19 17.35.48Spider (Arana)

2015-01-19 16.39.56

The original purpose of the images remains one of the world’s great mysteries – Extraterrestrials are sometimes cited as their source. But, the lines are generally believed to have been created by the Nasca people between one and two thousand years ago as part of a religious ritual. Our plane flied twice for each drawing, for each side of the window.

2015-01-19 16.42.07Condor (Condor)

2015-01-19 16.42.53Hummingbird (Colibri)

2015-01-19 16.41.09Tree (Arbol) and Hand (Manos)

2015-01-19 17.36.18Astronaut (Astronauta)

My husband & girlfriend had serious motion sickness once the plane went twisted and turned. They totally did not enjoy the entire 1 hour. For me (with no motion sickness background), I must say that I felt a slight nauseous after the 8th drawing. Overall, I was ok, managed to take pictures and spotted 6 drawings out of 12.

Tip 3: If you have serious motion sickness, you might want to opt out. Reason being is one needs to travel 5 hours from Lima for Nasca Lines and the tour is not cheap. Quoting my husband (applies to motion sickness folks only): “Pay money to suffer and see nothing.” My husband’s and girlfriend’s faces went “blue” for the entire hour.

Peruvian Cuisines

I usually do not write about food as I traveled. However, in my personal opinion, Peruvian food are one of the best in South America. Below are my few favorites. Peruvian food rocks!

#1 Lomo Saltado | The dish is a Chinese-style stir-fry concept with beef slices, onions and bell pepper, seasoned with Peruvian spices, soy sauce and served over fried Peruvian potatoes. At smaller restaurants, it would sell at USD 3-4, per plate. I can have this everyday.


#2 Pollo a la Brasa (Grilled chicken) | A classic Peruvian rotisserie-style chicken, most eaten dish in Lima. Marinated with many Peruvian ingredients, then roasted in a special brick lined rotisserie that is fired up with mesquite charcoal. Oh, so delicious! I had them in Lima’s Norkys. You can try either roasted or fried in Norkys. #unforgettable #succulentpoultry




#3 Anticuchos | Refer to any type of grilled meat on a skewer. I had mine in Aguas Calientes both restaurant and on the streets – The one from the streets tastes much tasty & juicy. Ha-ha!




#4 Ceviche | Usually served as an appetizer. Fresh raw fish is cut up and tossed with lemon or lime juice – the acid of which “cooks” the fish, and is combined with onions and chili peppers. I had it in Ica and the texture is like “cooked chicken breast meat” to me.


# 5 Picarones | Fried pumpkin donuts. The crispy, golden crust fritters is usually softened by dipping them in a caramelized honey sauce. I had in Cusco Old Town. Great comfort food!


#6 Cuy | Yes, it’s Guinea Pig. It’s a traditional Peruvian cuisine, very typical food in the southern Andes. You can try cuy chactado (grilled), cuy al horno (roasted) or gourmet version (stewed). I had mine roasted in Aguas Calientes. The meat is dark and flavourful. Personally when it turned cold, the crispy skin turned “rubbery” to me. #eatfastwhilehot



# 7 Peruvian Coffee | My husband and myself are big fan of coffee. We usually preferred strong fragrance, medium body & yet low in acidity. Peruvian coffee tastes as good as her neighbours, Brazil & Colombia. My husband often said this as he sipped his coffee during the 3 weeks of South America, “The coffee here is so good & powerful. I know you must be thinking you wish you live here, right?” #headnods



After Naza Lines, we left the following day for The Tango City – Argentina. This ended my 6 days in Peru. If I can do it all over again, I will definitely spend 1 more day in Lima and 2 more days in Cusco. #moretimeplease

Favorite Place(s)│ Huacachina Desert & Machu Picchu

Favorite Moment│ Sand Dune Buggy

Favorite Food│ Lomo Saltado

Most Annoying Thing│ Long bus queue to-and-fro Machu Picchu National Park


Conclusion│ The Land of Inca definitely did NOT disappoint and, so are her people – The Peruvians always positive, friendly & helpful. #salud #thankyouperu

Guizhou │ Self Guided Trip to The Canola Fields, Huangguoshu Waterfall and Thousand Miao Villages of Xijiang

I always wanted to be in the midst of the golden sea of canola flowers. The most famous in China is located in Luoping county, Yunnan, covering 13,300 hectares of canola flowers. It blossoms most beautifully every March.

I missed the Luoping Canola season thus, I traveled inwards to Guizhou, Anshun county (安顺) for her candola in April. Anshun is located south-western of Guizhou province and we took a 6 hours train from Kunming north-east direction (at 50 – 60 km/hr). Due to a heavy rain, our train was further delayed for 2 hours.



#Tip 1: Buy train ticket online via Ctrip Website from Kunming to Anshun. Remember to bring your passport and if you are late, the ticket you purchased is changeable within the first 2 hours.

#Tip 2: Bring snacks & drinks for your long train ride. There is hot water in the train and local Chinese food is sold.

#1│Yunfeng Eight Village [云峰八寨屯堡] 

How To Get There│Take a local bus to Anshun East Bus Terminal and buy a ticket to Le Ping (乐平), 30 minute journey. The bus driver was kind, to tell us where to stop in 乐平 and enter through a backdoor. We skipped our entrance fee (RMB 70) to Yunfeng Eight Village.

Yunfeng Eight Village (云峰八寨屯堡) is a small town, easily completed on foot in 45 minutes. She is traced back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and has been fortified by stone constructions.





The typical Tun Ba women’s costumes are knee-length robes, wider sleeves with colorfully embroidered necklines & cuffs. An old woman approached me to put a thread through the needle pinhole. I applauded her self provision with her skills.




Mostly old folks resided at Yunfeng Eight Village. A common sight would be the old men enjoying their tobacco pipes while, the women were busy in their chores. #speaksitall




#2│ANSHUN Canola Fields [油菜花] 

How To Get There│A 10 minute walk upwards from Yunfeng Eight Village main entrance. The road opened up to a sea of golden canola fields. Jaw-dropping moments! #uunforgettable





Perhaps to the locals, these canola fields blossom every spring is a normal sight. To me and many city dwellers, Mother Nature is such a genius. Somehow, the modern architectures just seem so wrong to be in this painting. #breathtaking





#Tip 3: Wear contrasting colours to be photographed in the golden canola fields.

We spent the afternoon, strolling leisurely and admiring the canola fields. The last bus from Le Ping to Anshun is at 6pm (embark from the same drop-off location).

#3│Huangguoshu National Park [黄果树瀑布]

How To Get There│Take a  1 hour bus from Anshun East Bus Terminal to Huangguoshu. After the purchase of our park ticket (RMB 180), we were swarmed by the local taxi drivers.

Huangguoshu National Park is very big and required transport to drop us to 3 different waterfall points. Together with a Chinese couple, we hired a taxi for RMB 400 for a day.

She is located on Baishui River (白水河) in Anshun. The first scenic spot was Doupotang Waterfall (陡坡塘瀑布). This waterfall is 1 kilometre upriver from Huangguoshu Waterfall and is the widest waterfall in the area, measuring 105 metre in width and 21 metre in height. Estimated time to complete would be 30 minute.



Back to the taxi driver and we headed to the second scenic spot, Tianxingqiao (天星桥景区). She is a slab of stone spanning and forming a bridge across a gorge. I love the 365 stone pavements with famous people and dates engraved on it. Estimated time to complete would be 2 hours.




Within Tianxingqiao scenic spot stands the graceful Yinlianzhuitan Waterfall (银链坠潭瀑布). I was so intrigued by this waterfall, watching her abundantly flow down. #amazing #superadore




Tip 4: Toilets are located only at the entrance or exit of each scenic point.




We hopped onto the same taxi and he drove us to our final scenic spot, Huangguoshu Waterfall (黄果树瀑布). An enormous waterfall group comprised of 18 waterfalls. Water-curtain cave run through the waterfall beginning at a height of 40 meters and reaching a height of 47 meters. Estimated time to complete would be 3 hours.




Tip 5: Prepared to be wet and protect your phone & camera.

At 74 metre tall and 81 metre wide with a classic rectangular shape, Huangguoshu Waterfall is China (and East Asia) one of the most impressive waterfalls. I was all wet walking around the waterfall as she poured down thunderously. #enormous





The Water Curtain Cave (水帘洞) is a 134 metre long, naturally formed cave located in the back of the waterfall. Thanks to my friend, Patricia, she insisted the tired me, to continue hiking. We walked through the cave and were beneath the waterfall. It was such an exhilarating feeling. Click here for Huangguoshu Waterfall Cave Video.

Tip 6: Allow at least, 6 hours in Huangguoshu National Park. Wear anti-slip and comfortable walking shoes.



Once you exit, there is a National Park tram, to bring us to the main carpark. The queue is always long. After half a day in Huangguoshu National Park, we were too exhausted and paid extra RMB 200 to the taxi driver, to send us back to Anshun.


How To Get There│Take a train from Kunming train station eastbound to Kaili (凯里). From Kali train station, take Bus #1 to Kaili bus station (洗马河客运站) at RMB 1. From Kaili city bus station, you can purchase the bus to enter to Thousand Miao Village of Xijiang.

Tip 7: Bring a bed-sheet if you have selected the hard sleeper seat for a long train ride.




2014-08-01 14.41.23

Estimated Time Required│Kunming – Kaili Train: 9.5 hour. Kaili Train Station – Kaili Bus Station – Thousand Miao Villages of Xijiang: 1.5 hour hour

As I was stationed in Kunming for work hence, yes, a full day was dedicated to the remote Miao village.

“Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.” Paul Theroux



Thousand Miao Villages of Xijiang is one of the largest cluster of Miao hamlets and nestled deep in the mountains and surrounded by rice paddies. The entrance fee is RMB 100 and the price of the ticket does not include the bus ride (20 RMB) from the entrance gate to the village, 2km away. #expensive




Walking on the cobblestone streets, one will see many guesthouses and their Miao ethnic traditional wooden architectures. Every shops sell the local silver accessories.





The local old women are in their traditional Miao bun-up hairdo, while the exotic costumes and brilliant silver ornaments are up for rental for the younger women. I love the local brown rice and preserved sausages. Rice soft and fragrant, sausages succulent well-balance.



As you exit the commercialized old town, you would be greeted by the vast greenery of rice paddy fields. Further up, one could see the queue to the view point of Thousand Miao Village of Xijiang’s aerial view.

Tip 8: Start queuing latest by 4:30pm and reach the view point for the sunset at 6:30pm – 7pm and the night view of the thousand villages light up. When you leave, expect another long 1 hour queue down.









Yes, I traveled more than 12 hours from Kunming is just for this view.

Tip 9: It is very crowded at the view point so, clear your bladder and once you found your vantage point, just camp there. Bring mosquito repellent.


How To Get There│From Kaili, take a 3 hour train to Zhenyuan. If from Guiyang (capital of Guizhou), an additional 3 hours is needed. From Zhenyuan train station, take a taxi ride RMB 8 and only 10 minutes away from the ancient town.




Zhenyuan, a 2,000-year-old river town nestled along on the Wuyang River is a place of architectural splendor. You can marvel at a perfect harmony blend of traditional Chinese architectural and local minority style, also known as “Hu Tong” style that is disappearing in China.





As you walked around the old town, you can see the grotesque gorges, perilous peaks and ancient architectures by the river banks of Wuyang River. In the Dragon Cave, there are Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, and Confucian shrines – A three religions combo.


Zhenyuan ancient town features slow-paced, simple life and her night scenery was mesmerizing. The entire town can be completed by foot within half a day.

Tip 10: You really need to master some good selfie poses when on a solo trip.



THE END│MY Self Thoughts

Compared to many top tier Chinese cities and attractions I have been, Guizhou seldom ring a bell to many. Her natural landscapes are beyond picturesque. With that said, getting to these remote places was not easy. #mentallyprepared

Guizhou is also the home to 48 China’s ethnic groups and before they disappear, I urge one to visit the Xijiang Miao people and enjoy their tribal songs & dance. #visitguizhou 

Incredible Yunnan │ Photographing The Yuanyang Rice Terraces

Situated in the Ailao Mountains of southern Yunnan, Yuanyang Rice Terrace is a photographers’ dream destination. Imagine endless, luxuriant terraced rice fields, and passed down generations by generation; your camera lens are screaming for more.

#1 Duoyishu (多依树)│Best for Sunrises and Sea of Clouds 






Duoyishu is at an elevation of 1,900m and with more than 1,647 acres of the terraces including Aichun & Dawazhe. It was a total magical feeling for me, to witness the sun rose among the sea of clouds and the golden reflections of the rice terraces. #goldensunrise

I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.” ― E.E. Cummings

#2 Longshuba (龙树坝)│Best for Red Coloured Water Terraces




Terraces are covered by large amounts of red duckweeds. The reflection of the sky and red duckweeds add radiance and create a stunning contrast.

#3 Laohuzui (老虎嘴)│Best for Three Dimensional Views




The thousand-tiered terraces cover an area of 113 hectares, Laohuzui is the most representative and magnificent place for the Yuanyang Hani Terraces. From different angles, one may see galloping horses, hidden dragons, or a tortoise with thousands of years old sitting at the bottom of valley. Also, best for the sunset photography. #intense

#4 Bada (坝达)│Best for Sunsets





Horded by many photographers, Bada is sexy and beautifully contoured, with an area of 950 km and 3,700 flights of rice terraces. I was so mesmerized, watching the sun setting, transforming Yuanyang Rice Terrace into a sea of gold. #breathtaking

#5 Qingkou Hani Village (箐口哈尼民俗村)│Minority Tribe





With 150 families & more than 800 villagers, this village represents the integrity of the ethnic culture of the Hani tribe. The Hani women dress traditionally in bright hand-embroidered necklines, colorful baby carriers and elaborate head-wear. You can also view the mushroom-shaped houses.

#6 Best Time To Visit│January through March



The 190,000 rice fields staggers from 144m to 2,940m elevation only yield one crop per year. When filled with water, the rice paddy fields turn into million of mirrors reflecting the sky. #mindblowing #irrigated






The smoked beef & yuanyang brown rice were till date, some of the most delicious dishes I had in China. #musteat


Take a 6 hours bus ride to Xinjie town from Kunming South Bus Terminal. At Xinjie town, board a bus to Yuanyang village, approximately 1 hour.

I always advocate that there is no easy way to see natural marvels. This road trip is definitely NOT for the dainty. The road passes through mountainous areas and one toilet break in-between. The journey was tiring, rough, but worth it.



Yuanyang Rice Terrace is huge and you will need to rent a local mini van to travel between different spots. We met 2 local travelers and together, 4 of us we decided to rent one at RMB 700 for the full day.



The day of departure, due to insufficient people, the Xinjie to Kunming long distance bus route was closed. I had to take a local mini bus to Jian Shui (建水) and re-route to Kunming. Do not be surprised that when the mini bus seats are full, they provide stools. Imagine I was doing my balancing act on 1 hour of mountainous dirt roads. #expecttheunexpected



Mass tourism has yet to hit Yuanyang Rice Terrace, swarmed by both amateur and experienced photographers. It is a village here and do not have any expectations of your city life. The locals live on those terraces; from sunrise in farm and till sun down. #simple #peaceful




Yuanyang Rice Terrace, in my opinion, has the best series of rice terraces in the world. And, also one of the most beautiful places for sunrise and sunset photography. #inawe #mindblowing

Incredible Yunnan │5 Must-See in Lijiang

Lijiang has an altitude of 2,400m and situated northwest of Yunnan Province, south of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. The dominant minority group in Lijiang is the Naxi.




She is 800 years old, one of the most well preserved ancient towns in China. A UNESCO World Heritage Site was first built in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, also known as “Oriental Venice”. Crystal clear streams flowing past almost every household, and every home is surrounded by picturesque willow trees. #lessoffalltourists



Tip 1│Buy & keep The Protection Fare of Dayan Old Town at RMB 80 per person. Required to show this ticket when you visit other tourist attractions within Lijiang.


Tip 2│Always use the Big Waterwheel as your landmark in the Dayan Old Town.

Dayan Old Town requires a full day of leisure walking on the cobblestone streets, do wear comfortable shoes. I love the panoramic vantage point for Lijiang Old Town rooftops. #ancienttown



Tip 3│ How to get to the viewpoint – Facing the Big Waterwheel, turn right and walk into the lane. After 10-15 minutes, you will see a pavement on your right and walk up the stairs. You will reach the open area near a temple.



Try the “Rainbow Trout of Lijiang”.  We had a 2kg trout (sufficient for 4-5 persons) and was sold at RMB 180 per kg (back in 2013). It was served in 3 arrangements.



Lijiang is also labelled as “The Romance City”, 艳遇之城. The pub streets of Dayan Old Town were beautifully lit up, filled with the tourists hustle & buzz. I only wish that there were lesser tourists in Dayan Old Town. #packedlikesardine



A scenic canyon on the Jinsha River (金沙江), a primary tributary of the upper Yangtze River. She is located 50km, north of Lijiang and part of the Three Parallel River of Yunnan Protected Areas World Heritage Site. We stopped at 长江第一湾, a viewpoint where Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Haba Snow Mountain & Yangtze River meets.



The gorge is located where the river passes between the 5,596m Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (玉龙雪山) and the 5,396m Haba Snow Mountain (哈巴雪山) in a series of rapids under steep 2,000m cliffs. At a maximum depth of approximately 3,790m from river to mountain peak, Tiger Leaping is the longest, deepest, and narrowest river gorge in the world.


2014-01-01 00.25.39

According to a local legend, the gorge acquired its name because, at its narrowest point (25m), a tiger once leaped over the swirling waters. This amazing gorge has a challenging trekking trail (start from the Upper Gorge) or you can choose a hike at a viewing deck (Lower Gorge).



The entrance fee is RMB 60. We took a slow hike down approximately 30 minutes to the lower gorge while, enjoying the view. We stayed for 1 hour plus having fun, photo snapping and took another 45 minutes upward hike back to the carpark.



The first section is the narrowest section and considered the mouth of the gorge. In the middle of the River is a large stone that is positioned at the narrowest section of the gorge. The river drops 100m and it picks up amazing speed. The water crashes into large rocks and forms foaming whirlpools and high waves. The cliffs along the third section of the Tiger Leaping Gorge are much steeper than the first section.


Tip 4│ Before you embark down, there is a toilet located at the entrance. Do empty your bladder as there is no toilet at the lower gorge. #windy


The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Impression Lijiang, Blue Moon Valley and Bai Shui Terrace are all located at the same area, with one main entrance ticket (RMB 105 per person).



Tip 5│ Start early morning with Jade Dragon Snow Mountain due to the afternoon strong wind may cease cable car operation up. Followed by Impression Lijiang, Blue Moon Valley & Bai Shui Terrance. 



We were dropped off at the carpark, nearest to the cable car ticket counter and took the bus towards Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. It was an upward, curvy 20 minutes bus ride. We felt the altitude rising (from 2,400m) and when the bus alighted at the cable car entrance, we were already at 3,356m above sea level.



We joined the queue and boarded the cable car excitedly (brrr … 1 degree in the winter morning). We enjoyed our scenic 30 minutes cable car ride as the altitude increased with an additional 1,156m.




Tip 5│ You should purchase oxygen tank at any mini-mart in Dayan or Shuhe Old Town for RMB 20. Else, at the entrance point (3,356m), there is a shop selling at RMB 60 per oxygen tank.



At 4,506m above sea level of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, you will be awed by her magnificent and holy presence. The mountain range is 35km long, 20 km wide and the highest peak in the range is Shanzidou (扇子陡) which as a height of 5,596m above sea level. All together, there are 13 peaks in the range. #breathtaking



Finally after 1 hour 45 minutes, we reached 4,680m (the highest view point accessible by tourists). It was an exhilarating feeling. #spectacular 

Tip 6│ The air is extremely thin at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Even you are physically fit, you should not to rush up or stop too long during your break. The tip is to maintain a constant, slow pace up with steady breathing.


After spending 15 minutes at the highest view point, we descended our hike down. If you think the descent would be a fast one, you are wrong (ha-ha). It took us another 1 good hour. #breathless


Impression Lijiang (印象丽江), a magnificent outdoor 65 minutes performance sets at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Directed by the famous Zhang Yimou, it demonstrates the traditions and lifestyle of local Naxi, Yi and Bai ethics groups.


More than 500 local people from ten ethnic groups have been selected over 16 towns and even, horses were part of the performance. Daily showcases at 9am, 11am and 2pm. Go for the 2pm show after your Jade Dragon Snow Mountain hike. #dramatic #soulful #heartfelt



A 2 minute Impression Lijiang Video

The Blue Moon Valley (蓝月谷) and Bai Shui Terrace (白水台) sits at the bottom of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Seen from the distance, it is like a blue moon inset at the bottom of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, thus it wins the beautiful name Blue Moon Valley.



Her massive terraces of thawing water from the snow mountain holds four lakes: Tingtao Lake (听涛湖), Lanyue Lake (蓝月湖), Jingtian Lake (镜潭湖), and Yue Lake (玉液湖). Clear, turquoise blue lake water on a sunny day, at that moment, I felt like I was in a fairy-tale land.



#5│SHUHE OLD TOWN (束河古镇)

Shu He Old Town is the earliest settlement for the Naxi ethnic minority in Lijiang. Also, known to be “The Ten Years Ago Dayan Old Town” – less touristy and much more laid-back.



In Shu He, Qinglong Bridge has a history of more than 400 years. The entire bridge was built with stones and decorated by verdant willows, which form a famous scenic spot in Shu He.



A few must-try: Shu He Fresh Water River Fish, Yiliang Roast Duck and Dali Rose Omelette in Shu He Old Town. #localdelicacies



Shu He Lijiang is peaceful, laid-back and heart-warming. Do visit her soon before she becomes another packed, commercialized Dayan Old Town.

Somehow, Lijiang is still a paradise to me. I simply adore Ljiang’s architectures, ethnic diversity, scenery and stunning clear, blue sky.

Bolivia│10 Reasons To Visit Salar de Uyuni


Plain simple – Yes, I want to check this off my bucket list! With 10,582km², more than 10 billion tons of salt and contains 50% to 70% of the world’s lithium reserves, Salar de Uyuni is the world’s largest salt flat. During dry spell – Bizarrely beautiful with hexagon pattern of salt crust. With just few cm of rain – Transforms into the world’s largest mirror. If she is not on your travel bucket list, add her today.


First stop of my 3 day tour – Uyuni Train Cemetery, at 3,656m elevation. Built in 1889 for transporting minerals to the Pacific Port. When Bolivia’s mining industry collapsed in 1940, the locomotives were deserted into a rusty graveyard. Now, one of the tourist pit-stops, you can clamber in-out, up-down of this modern ruin. 10885569_10152866727255700_7612377729269929327_n




Epic backdrop for anyone to play with perspective. May it be the vast mirror lake or the surreal hectagon salt crust – Unleash your creativity for some wacky and mind-bending pictures. Because there is no horizon, this creates an optical illusion in photographs. #nodepth

Thanks to Jose our guide who captured all our crazy photos. The props were provided by our tour as well. You may be surprised due to the heat, we actually spent about 30 minutes doing all shots.






Salar de Uyuni Video : Pardon my excited, high pitch & some blahs.


Incahuasi island (also known as Cactus Island), an area of 24.62 hectres is the home of gigantic cacti. Claimed to be top of the remains of an ancient volcano, which was submerged when the area was part of a giant prehistoric lake, 40,000 years ago. Such a “strange feeling” as I roamed on a rock island, surrounded with thousands of gigantic cacti, growing at 1 cm every year. #mamaofallcactus




How often do you get to see coloured lagoons? Two most famous lagunas are Laguna Colorada (Red Lagoon) & Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon). The latter was close to the Chilean border at the foot of Licancabur Volcano. The colour of the salted lakes is caused by strong wind stirring the sediments of microorganisms beneath. What colour of the lake depends on what minerals. Cool, right?

Thanks to the strong, gale force wind, we saw Laguna Colorada’s reddish pink. My husband & myself lasted for 20 minutes, almost blown away off the ground, few times. While, my 2 girlfriends snapped, snapped and ran into the vehicle, yes the wind was that ridiculous. Our faces & hands were all numb. #galeforcewind #articlikewind

IMG_1540Laguna Colorada at 4,300m

Sad that Laguna Verde wasn’t emerald green (arghgh) when we visited in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, the wind was still strong, chilly as we stood there. However, you really need the gale-force level wind, to stir the colour up the entire lagoon, or a portion.

Actually from the picture below, there were some small pockets of emerald-green if you can see it. We saw it from afar when we were there. Nonetheless, I was (am still) awed by her spectacular beauty and seeking for some solitary moments.

IMG_1655Laguna Verde at 4,400m with Licancabur Volcano

IMG_1528Laguna Honda at 4,280m

20141227_134801Laguna Cañapa at 4,250m and the Andean flamingos

20141227_143408Laguna Hedionda at 4,121m


Put it this way, I am not a gym-type of person or those adventurous, to climb a volcano or trek 3-4 days of mountains. I just love travelling to new, amazing destinations, taking landscape pictures and people portraits at a comfortable mode (ha-ha). Definitely, a honour (and a blessing) to see these ancient volcanoes.

20141227_102457Ollagüe Volcano at 5,868m elevation

IMG_1644Licancabur Volcano at 5,920m elevation with Laguna Verde

20141226_190335My Uyuni Jump with Tunupa Volcano in the background

20141227_114959Mountains & hills in Bolivia desert


This 10 sq km earth’s steam bath is Sol de Mañana geothermal field, at 4,850m elevation (also known as “Morning Sun”). Felt like being teleported to another planet – The bubbling cauldron of the geysers, pools of boiling mud & interesting facets.

My husband did a “dumping” pose and later when we were taking photos at the boiling mud, Mother Nature only mucked him back and we had such a good laugh. #takeadumpinageyser #paybacktime





Extremely barren valley stands Desierto de Salvador, name derived from the Spanish surrealist painter. We also met Tree of Stone, 7m high eolic formation. Our 2nd night of the tour, we stayed Hotel Huayllajara at 4,200m elevation.

20141228_080029Desierto de Salvador, Bolivian Andes at Southwest Circuit

20141227_165545Meet the Tree of Stone

Stood still with frozen fingers, running nose for 30 minutes, at a brutal temperature of 0 to -5°C and to get the last shot (after nX) – Yes, we were crazy. It doesn’t matter if we were “not sharp” because the hero was the starry night. Why sunnies in the night? Blocking out the chilly wind as our tears were rolling down non-stop. #stargazing #boliviadesert #unforgettable

IMG_1570My Once-a-lifetime Star Gaze Experience in Bolivia Desert 


Every November, thousand of flamingos spend months in the Bolivian Lagunas. 3 main species of flamingos are: The James flamingo, Chilean flamingo and Andean flamingo. We learnt to differentiate the breed by the colours of their feet, according to our guide.



Besides the flamingos, I had lunches in the wild, with the llama and alpaca herds. A great outback experience! We were lucky to witness the world’s few remaining viscacha – a mixed breed of rabbit and squirrel that cannot jump. We donated our balanced lunch to this endangered animal. #breedmore






Salar de Uyuni is every photographer’s dream and paradise. An incredibly euphoric feeling with the surreal landscape and makes one appreciate how beautiful this world is. Below are some of my favourite photos from this trip. I do not edit my photos (too lazy) and they do not require any edits afterall.

20141226_151747Camera & The Photographer

IMG_1459The Honey-combed Crust of Salt Flats

20141226_190759Uyuni sunset with Tunupa Volcano

IMG_1491Dreamy Clouds with llamas and Alpaca herds

IMG_1356Bolivians & their soccer field in Colchani town

IMG_1413Incahuasi island, Uyuni

20141226_152941A 2015 Dakar Rally is coming to Bolivia

20141228_091808Laguna Verde with Rocks Piles

20141228_143119The Rock Valley at San Cristobal, Bolivia

20141226_152008Salar de Uyuni, Salt of Life

I hope that my above reasons (and photos) have convinced you to visit Salar de Uyuni. I am not those to check off my travel bucket list for the sake of it, I did it for God’s creation & colour palette. #visituyuni #mysouthamericatravel

Spain│12 Cities in 21 Days


La Sagrada Familia 3

Casa Batllo - Barcelona, Spain_1363

Casa Mila (Stone Quarry) 2

Casa Mila (Stone Quarry) 5

Barcelona, Spain_1573

Barcelona, Spain_1557

Mercat de la Boqueria - Barcelona, Spain_1532

Julia leading along Las Ramblas_1334

Julia on Barcelona Streets 1

View of Barcelona from Montjuic Hill_1504

Torre de Calatrava - Barcelona, Spain_1495

National d'Art de Catalunya - Barcelona, Spain_1515

If I have not joined my friends’ Spain itinerary at the end of my solo backpack trip, I cannot imagine completing 12 Spanish cities in 3 weeks. And, fell so hard for her.

1│Design, Arts & Gaudí Barcelona, a city that loves, lives and breathes design. Art is everywhere. Antoni Gaudí’s architectural masterpieces and iconic landmarks include Sagrada Família, Casa Milà, Casa Batlló, Park Güell and so on.

2│Watch sunset at Montjuic Hill. Roam on the streets of Las Ramblas, Placa de Catalunya & Roman quarters. Shop like a local at Mercat de la Boqueria and run at Palau Sant Jordi, the 1992 Summer Olympic Ring.

3│Recommend 3 days and be inspired by the famous artists’ greatest works.


Montserrat 32

Montserrat, Spain_1686

Julia @Montserrat Cathedral 12

Montserrat 50

Montserrat 5

Montserrat Candle 4

Julia & May Montserrat 3

Montserrat 12

Image of the Virgin - Montserrat, Spain_1663

1│Why Montserrat? For the magnificent views of Catalan’s landscapes and most unusual dolomite-like rocks formation. Next, to visit Santa Maria de Montserrat, a 9th century Benedictine cliff-side monastery. Lastly, to witness the 12th century wooden sculpture Virgin of Montserrat. 

2│Quick Guide Go to Plaza Espanya train and take R5 train towards Manresa. Then, decide a cable car up to Montserrat Mountain or Rack Railway. Keep track of the timetables for the rack railway, cable car & train back to Barcelona.

Return train ticket include entrance fee starts from €20. One way journey is about 1.5 hour from Barcelona. Once at Montserrat, you can visit the peak by the funicular at €10 for the magnificent mountain views of Catalonia.

3│Recommend 1 day from Barcelona


Roman Amphitheater - Tarragona, Spain_1469

Roman Circus - Tarragona, Spain_1456

Tarragona Cathedral, Spain_1445

Tarragona Cathedral, Spain_1447

Tarragona, Spain_1453

Tarragona, Spain_1424

Julia & May Tarragona 1

1│Why Tarragona? To visit one of Catalonia’s 9 wonders of UNESCO sites. Once a Roman Empire capital, you can see the well-preserved, remarkable Romans architectures & their history rooted deep in this city. Tip: All monuments are closed on Mondays except The Model of Roman Tarraco, the Cathedral and Diocesan Museum. 

2│Must-Sees include Amphitheatre of Tarraco & the Cathedral of St Tecla Tarragona. Jaw-dropping admiration of this massive Romanesque-Gothic style cathedral. Stroll down Rambla Nova in the heart of the city and look out for Human Tower Sculpture, a Catalonia tradition.

3│Recommend 1 day from Barcelona


Aiguas Blanques Agua blanca Ibiza beach

Julia, Yvon & May Ibzia 3

Julia @ Ibzia 1

1│Booze, Dance & Party The world’s most famous party island, Ibiza. No visit to Ibiza is complete without dancing till dawn in the clubs. Go to the beaches of Las Salinas, Cala Bassa or Cala Conta and dip in the turquoise Mediterranean sea.

2│Get Your Bearings Right North (Remote, rugged charm), South (Beaches and bars). Two towns are in the East, Eivissa (Bustling capital), followed by West, Sant Antonio (Clubbers’ paradise).

3│Recommend 2 days











Valencia bullring, Spain_1853

Valencia beach, Spain_1877

1│Best Paella One of my favourite cities in Spain (after 12 cities in 3 weeks) and I concluded the best paella is here. A mix of fresh seafood, chicken, rice and infused with saffron. Roam around Plaza de la Virgen & go to the Miquel bell tower of Valencia Cathedral. Climb up for some fantastic city-view. A must to visit Gonzalez Marti National Museum of Ceramics & Decorative Arts, housing many great masterpieces from 14th-17th centuries.

2│Famous for its oranges and the streets are filled with fragrant orange trees. Head to Mercat Central de València – A foodie heaven. Step into Plaza de Toros, a neoclassic design by Sebastián Monleón Estellés built in 1840s near the north railway station. Malvarosa beach is easily reached by public transport.

3│Recommend 2 days. Will definitely visit Valencia again when I go for La Tomatina Festival.


Alhambra Garden - Granada, Spain_1980

Granada, Spain

Granada, Spain

Granada, Spain

View of Granada, Spain

Alhambra Garden - Granada, Spain_1995

Granada, Spain_1900

Granada Cathedral, Spain_1903

Sant Juan de Dios Hospital - Granada, Spain_1885

Granada, Spain

1│The Alhambra Palace – This ancient Moorish stronghold is today one of Andalusia’s most scenic cities, with a dramatic setting in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Their intricate mosaics, arches and Arabesque motifs give an exotic taste of a bygone era. Tip: Buy your tickets to the Alhambra in advance as there are limited visitors allowed daily.

2│Best Tapas in Spain One of the few Spanish cities to maintain the old custom of giving you free food with your drink. Step through the doors of Capilla Real, a marvelous Isabelline Gothic mausoleum. Explore the white-washed Moorish houses along Albayzín and visit the Cathedral of Granada. Check out my Granada Travel Blog

3│Recommend 2 days 


Alcazar - Seville, Spain_2059



Seville Cathedral, Spain_2032

Seville Cathedral, Spain_2193

Seville Cathedral, Spain_2124

Giralda Bell Tower - Seville, Spain_2021


Plaza de Espana - Seville, Spain_2218

Plaza de Espana - Seville, Spain_2202

San Ildefonso Church - Seville, Spain_2240

Bullring - Seville, Spain_2228

1│World’s Third Largest Church – Recognized by UNESCO World Heritage site, Seville Cathedral is rich in Gothic architecture& the resting place of Christopher Columbus. Enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the city once you are up at the Giralda Bell Tower. I was captivated by The Alcazàr of Seville, magnificent complex of patios and halls in different architectural styles, from Mudéjar to Gothic. Game of Thrones Season 5 was filmed here.

2│Breathtaking Plaza de España – Renaissance and neo-Moorish in style, built with poly-chromatic ceramic tiles, there are many tiled alcoves, each represents a different province of Spain. The Torre del Oro is a military watchtower, built by the Almohad dynasty in 13th century. The exquisite architectural details of the Church of San Ildefonso are worth a visit. Others to visit include Plaza de Toros & Diego Velazquez’s painted ceiling.

3│Recommend 3 days


Royal Palace - Madrid, Spain_2392


Plaza Mayor - Madrid, Spain_2321



Plaza de Cibeles Fountain - Madrid, Spain_2428

Madrid, Spain_2411



La Almudena Cathedral - Madrid, Spain_2381

1│The Capital of Spain has something for everyone. Offering world-class museums, incredible cuisines & gorgeous architectures. The Royal Palace is free on Wednesdays. Plaza Mayor is the square where you can people-watch and soak into the buzzing atmosphere.

2│Stunning cathedrals includes The Cathedral of Madrid & San Francisco el Grande Basilica. Head to Plaza de Cibeles and Temple of Debodeven, an ancient Egyptian temple. Even, the Post Office building is a work of art here. Do pay a visit to Real Madrid’s legendary stadium and eat tons of jamón (ham).

3│Recommend 3 days








1│The Walls of Ávila – The medieval wall encircling the entire old city was 2.5 kilometers in length with average height of 12 meters. With 9 gates, 77 semi-circular towers, the walls are over 3 meters thick. I can so-imagine the medieval war-time here. #formidable

2│A plethora of Roman architectures, old lumbering convents, Gothic cathedrals and cobblestone alleyway. Visit The Cathedral of Ávila and the Romanesque Basílica de San Vicente. Walking into Ávila, one almost feels pious. Tip: Head out to the opposite hill, to capture the walled-city overview.

3│Recommend 1 day trip from Madrid







1│Walking back in time – This UNESCO World Heritage site was once conquered by the Romans in 193 BC, then became the capital of the Visigoths Kingdom, and later taken over by the Moors in the 8th Century. History breathes every corner in Toldeo and, also famous for making the best swords in Europe.

2│Must-sees in Toledo – The Cathedral of Toledo, a beautiful Gothic architecture church. The Alcazar Fortress is high up on a hill, a great place to stop for panoramic views of the city. Plaza Zocodóver – one of the main squares in town. Iglesia de San Ildefonso & Mirador del Valle are the best vantage points for some great photos.

3│Recommend 1 day trip from Madrid. Just a 30 minutes train ride away from Madrid at a return ticket of €25.






1│Roman Ruins in Spain – Three highlights are The Segovia Cathedral, The Roman Aqueduct and The AlcazarThe impressive cathedral was built during the Renaissance period. Once you arrive in Segovia, you cannot miss this 2,000 year old Roman Aqueduct, built by Emperor Trajan.

2│Segovia’s Famous Suckling Pig – Fed on 21 days of mother’s milk and considered an absolute delicacy. A must-eat! #tastesogood

3│ Recommend 1 day from Madrid.  Strongly suggest for a bus. Go to Madrid Atocha Train Station train station, hop onto #11 bus and get off the end. The journey is 1.5 hour.








1│ La Ciudad Dorada also known as The Golden City. Nestled in the south of Castilla y León, Salamanca has the oldest university in Spain and the third oldest in Europe. This magnificent university city, an UNESCO World Heritage site since 1988 has its medieval & historical charm. #ageless

2│Head to Plaza Mayor – Located in the heart of the city, this huge square surrounded with distinctive sandstone buildings & baroque architectures. Other attractions include: The Old Cathedral, The New Cathedral, Casa de las Conchas and University of Salamanca.

3│Recommend 1 day from Madrid. It would take about 2 hours train ride from Madrid at Chamartin Rail Way Station.

Spain│My After-Thoughts

Yes, I felt in love with Spain. As a vivid traveler, she is “multi-sensory” and an amazing country. Intricate, beautiful and harmonious mix of Gothic, Moorish and Italian styles of designs, architectures and monuments. Definitely a must-visit for arts & architecture lover!


Put aside the countless eye-candies on the Spanish streets (ha-ha), I love, love the siesta atmosphere, friendly locals and the gastronomic Spanish cuisines & delicacies. I was drinking their beer, wine & Sangria almost every 2 hours of my sight-seeings.

My Spain Route in 21 dayS

I am definitely going back to visit Zaragoza, Pueblos Blancos (The White Town), Cordoba, La Rioja (Winery region) and throw some tomatoes at my husband during La Tomatina festival in Bunol. The question is always WHEN. #visitspain

Iceland | The Land of Fire & Ice

My strong desire to see the Northern Lights led me to Iceland, a small island nation, just south of the Arctic Circle. The national food is Icelandic Hotdogs, followed by most common source of meat, Lamb and lastly, Seafood.

I strongly encourage travelers to withdraw Iceland currency via ATM machines at Iceland airport with our Singapore ATM cards (at a surcharge fee of S$5 per transaction). Do you know which are the movies & dramas filmed in Iceland?

  • Batman Begins, Noah, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Prometheus, Thors II, Lara Croft -Tomb Raider, Die Another Day, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Game of Thrones (Season 2) and the list goes on.

I booked a Flybus Airport Shuttle from the airport to our Airbnb apartment. You would need to ask your hotel or Airbnb host for the nearest drop-off stop because in the process of this purchase, you need to select the location. Flybus Website

Print out your voucher, once you exit the airport, head towards their counter and they will issue you an official ticket. The shuttle is a big, comfortable coach with free wifi. After 45 minutes, we reached our apartment close to midnight.

Day 1|Golden Circle Day Tour

I booked my 3 tours with Arctic Adventure. The Golden Circle tour covers Central & South of Iceland and began at 8:30am. After 1hr 30 minutes driving, we reached the Gullfoss Waterfall, located in the canyon of Hvítá river in southwest Iceland.



The wide Hvítá rushes southward, about a kilometre above the falls it turns sharply to the right and flows down into a wide curved three-step “staircase”. It abruptly plunges in two stages (11m and 21m) into a crevice 32m deep. The crevice, about 20m wide, and 2.5km in length, extends to the flow of the river. It was snowing as I walked up the stairs. #magical #snowonhand



From Gullfoss, we journeyed to the geothermal active valley of Haukadalur, at the foot of the Laugarfjall mountain where we saw the Geysir. We walked around the other incredible spouting hot springs at Strokkur which erupt at every 5-10 minutes interval, projects steaming water to a height of about 60-100 feet. Velkomin ao Geysir produces hydrogen sulfide (a rotten egg smell) and after a few spouting captured, I ran to their cafe as I could not tolerate the nasty smell.




After the Geysirs, we continued to gear up for caving in the Gjábakkahellir Cave, near Þingvellir National Park. Formed during an eruption 9,000 years ago, Gjabakkahellir lava tube cave has a unique feature in that it is open on both ends for visitors to view her incredible rock formations and stalactites of all shapes and sizes.


While we were approaching the cave, my eyes were constantly tearing non-stop. My visibility was low (my first encounter in a holiday, damn it!) and I decided to skip this lava cave while, two of my friends continued. I blamed it on the crazy Iceland’s wind going averagely, at least 40 mph and above. This wind speed is considered “strong” and in general, it is difficult to walk against between 30 and 40 mph.

DSC00283Photo credit by Chervon Khoo

I waited one hour in the car and took photos of the stunning landscapes. When one is on this barren land and in-between the “Glaciers’ Rumblings” & “Moments of Silence”, you can feel how powerful the forces of nature. I removed my gloves as it was very clumsy toggling between smartphone for video & DSLR for photos.



Seriously, my fingers were “in a freezer”, went blue and felt extremely painful (-4 degree at 2pm). I was constantly running in-between the vehicle “shelter against wind” while, photographing. Wind was so strong that the heavy door could “slam your head or legs off” anytime. I got hit twice! #ouch




I took a video here on Iceland’s landscape (while, I was waiting for my friends). Too bad, the wind was so strong (very nasty) that I could not record the raging “glaciers’ rumblings” in this video. Iceland Video

My friends returned, “cursing” as the lava cave rocks were sharp and the journey was “rough”, in a sense, we were not “pre-empted”. All the cuts on their hands and “damaged boots, gloves”. I would strongly suggest for the “less-fit”, to opt this cave out from the Golden Circle tour.

Our second last stop, we arrived at the Thingvellir National Park (UNESCO). Þingvellir (in Icelandic word) is a site of historical, cultural, and geological importance. It is the site of a rift valley that marks the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.





.Photo credit to Chervon Khoo

The continental drift between the North American and Eurasian Plates can be clearly seen in the cracks which traverse the region, the largest one – Almannagjá, being a veritable canyon. “The Parliament” was established at Þingvellir in 930 and remained there until 1798. Believe me when I was at the park, I was exclaiming, “Game of Thrones is Everywhere”.

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The last stop, our guide drove us to a high viewpoint, to see the entire Reykjavik town. It was only 5:00pm and losing the sunlight for my photos. #demoralizing

The capital of Iceland, Reykjavik is the most northerly capital city of a sovereign state in the world. With a population of 120,000 in the city itself and which is around 60% of the country’s inhabitants reside in the capital.




Arctic Adventure picked us up at 7pm for our Northern Light tour. The guide-cum-driver continued picking up others and did a quick briefing of “What To Expect”. In a big van of 14-16 persons, off we went for “The Hunt of my Northern Light Adventure”. After 1 hour of drive, away from city light pollution, we only managed to get off once.

I set my tripod up under a pitch black environment, battling between -2 to -10 degree temperature. After 10 minutes, it began to snow! Utterly disappointed and mad! Our guide said, “When there is snow, there is clouds and this means, the hunt is off”. I told myself that I would definitely make plans to revisit Iceland & catch Miss Aurora Borealis. #nonorthernlights

Day 2| Blue Lagoon

I booked Blue Lagoon afternoon ticket for a total relaxation. Do purchase online in advance, the ticket is approximately €3-5 discounts off. You can also purchase the return bus shuttle to Blue Lagoon from their website (under Reykjavik Excursions). Click on Blue Lagoon Website

You need to select your departure and return time based on the nearest location for pick up from your accommodation. We selected the Comfort Package at €50 and I rented a bathing suit for €5. In my opinion, a 3-4 hours in Blue Lagoon is sufficient.



The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is one of the most visited attractions in Iceland, located in a lava field in Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwestern Iceland. A man-made lagoon, the water originates near a lava flow from 6,000 feet at its deepest level by a nearby geothermal power plant Svartsengiand and is renewed every two days. The waters are rich in minerals: Silica and Sulphur.



Two tips to note for Blue Lagoon: (1) You can enjoy your dip before or after your flight, due to its close proximity to the airport (20 minutes) versus 40 minutes from Reykjavik town. (2) The thermal water is extremely dry & brittle to our hair. Before you soak in, do coat your hair with conditioner (provided in the lockers), bun up and avoid letting your hair getting into the water.



When you are in the lagoon, you technically are swimming on top of two different continents. Iceland sits on top of the Mid Atlantic Ridge where the North American and European plates are separating at roughly 2 centimeters a year.

I had such an amazing experience and one of my best geothermal spas (till date). Trust me, one sleeps like a baby after this “dip”. We also met two Singaporean guys, Song Yee & Norman in The Blue Lagoon and invited them, to join us on our road trip to West Iceland on Day 4.

Day 3| Glacier Hike Day Tour

Our guide picked us up at 8:30am and by the time, after picking others and we left at 9:30am. With a van of 12-14 persons heading towards Solheimajokull Glacier, less than a two hours drive from Reykjavík.

First, we passed Eyjafjallajökull Glacier, and just a little further the Sólheimajökull Glacier tongue extends down from Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland´s fourth largest glacier. Sólheimajökull Glacier is retreating an average of one Olympic pool-length every year for the past two decades due to climbing temperatures, warming ocean currents and disrupted seasons.



As the guides explained in the van, if you have not used a crampons before, you just have to “trust your whole life” on this little fellow. Haha .. After I was geared up, I saw some beautiful Iceland greenery on the way to Sólheimajökull glacier. Less than 10 minutes of the walk, my “non-stop tearing” was getting from bad to worst, despite I had my sunglasses on.

The chilly & strong wind was “attacking my eyes” and once again, my visibility greatly reduced. One of the guides advised me to stop and informed me with such low visibility is dangerous. Once we reached the glacier, there is “no turning back” for the guides and me. I decided to turn back (damn it, feeling extremely upset) while, my two friends and the entire group continued.



As one of the guides walked me back to the vehicle and once I back-faced the wind, my tearing was greatly reduced. I began to wonder “What is wrong with my eyes” as this was really my first encounter. The guide told me from the carpark that there is another walking track towards Myrdalsjokull Glacier.

There are some plateaus “blocking” the wind directly at my face/eyes. Since the main group would take a 3 hours Glacier hike, I decided to do the trail on my own towards Myrdalsjokull Glacier.




Myrdalsjokull is a glacier located in the south of Iceland. Its peak reaches 1493 m in height and in 1980 it covered an area of 595 km². The volcano Katla, in the Mýrdalsjökull glacier, has erupted on average every 40-60 years. Sixteen eruptions have been recorded since the settlement of Iceland, the last was in 1918.

During the eruption, the glacier above the volcanic vent melts and the melted water collects under the ice-cap until it makes its way out under the edge in a violent flood. I saw Mýrdalsjökull glacier and most of the Mýrdalssandur sand plains has been formed by deposits in past floods.




And, Yes I ignored the above signboard (after 1 minute of self-talk, “Go or Not To Go”), I walked down the trail ALONE (Haha). As I was walking and taking photos of the “dying” Myrdalsjokull and felt sad that Iceland’s glaciers were disappearing.

Scientists forecasted that Iceland’s glaciers maybe no more than small “ice museums” atop the highest peaks as early as the mid-2100s. I strongly urge my friends to visit Iceland and experience the incredible beauty of her glaciers and breathtaking landscape before they disappeared.




As I was heading back to the vehicle, it rained and the hail followed. You can imagine me running in a barren land, with one hand protecting my DSLR and shouting “Ouch, Ouch” all the way. My very first hailstone encounter – Painful! After 30 minutes (I hid in the van), the rain & hailstone stopped and the glaring sun was out again?! #unpredictable

I walked towards the greenery, to continue my landscape photography. As I was bawling “OMG, Game of Thrones is Everywhere again … ” Suddenly, a light drizzle came and before I could think “Should I head back”, I saw a big rainbow right infront of me. For a good 10 minutes, I watched how beautifully it arched above the Iceland green pastures. Her beauty is truly spectacular (and yes, my SLR lens & myself were drenched for those rainbow moments).




After 3 hours+, the group came back from their Sólheimajökull Glacier. Some of their shoes and socks were soaking wet and a few guys were “drenched”. When I saw my two friends, they looked pretty “beaten up”. They told me that “luckily I turned back”, with my low visibility I could not make it as the glacier was slippery, windy and full of deep crevasses.

Overall, both of them still managed to experience a real glacier hike and witnessed some amazing terrains with sink holes and ice ridges. To me, able to step on a “Disappearing Giant” formed thousands of years ago (not just any snow ground, a glacier mind you), it must be an astounding and unforgettable experience. Surely, this glacier hiking is not suitable for the less-fit.



The last stop of this tour brought us to Skogafoss Waterfall – One of the biggest waterfalls in the country with a width of 25 m and a drop of 60 m. Due to the amount of spray the waterfall consistently produces, a single or double rainbow is normally visible on sunny days. Once again, I witnessed my second rainbow within one day. I think this only happens in Iceland – An amazing feeling! #drenched



Day 4|Reykjavík

I rented a car for one day road trip for West Iceland for Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Before that, we must visit Hallgrímskirkja, a Lutheran Parish church standing at 73m. It is the largest church in Reykjavík, Iceland and 6th tallest architectural structure in Iceland. We met Norman & Song Yee at Hallgrímskirkja. The morning greeted us with gloomy sky, dark clouds and rain.



We took a few shots of Hallgrímskirkja and headed towards The Laundromat Cafe for some breakfast (and shelter from the rain). Address: 9 Austurstræti, Reykjavík. The Laundromat Cafe celebrates the concept of multitasking, a series of cafes in Denmark and Iceland. Also known as “the world’s hippest launderette” by Wallpaper magazine, it combines the warm, sophisticated feel of a diner-cafe with the functionality of a laundromat.



Besides its laundromats at basement one, I love the artistic decor (the spectrum-colored bookshelves) and its family-friendly ambience. I was the only one, happily taking photos of this cafe. Most of us ordered “The Dirty Breakfast” which comprised most of your breakfast standards.



After breakfast, I spent some time toggling “Go or Not Go” (due to the bad weather and I am the only driver in the group), I decided to go ahead. As we left the cafe, we walked through the main town of Reykjavik, for my car collection. I came across various creative graffiti.




I knew driving from Reykjavik to Snæfellsnes Peninsula will take at least, 3 hours. I just entered “Snæfellsnes Peninsula” in my GPS and off we went at 11am. After 1 hour drive, we stopped by the petrol kiosk in Borgrane. Finally, I tasted the iconic Icelandic hotdog. It was so good, filled with raw onions, fried shallots and a special kind of mayonnaise sauce.




At 2pm+, we reached Olafsvik little town and I told the group that we need to head back by latest 4pm. At least the last 1 hour drive from Borgrane to Reykjavik, there are street lights on the highway. With that said, we decided to go Snæfellsjökull Glacier and covered “whatever” we can see on the way back via Hellisandur & Arnarstapi route. The GPS and phone Google map led us to an unpaved, narrow gravel road.



Seriously, it was scary as I had four lives “in my hands” (Haha). I saw the falling gravels off the cliff on my left side mirror and yet, I could not “alarm” my passengers in the car. I had this thought in mind – “Why on earth I am doing this”? All the exasperating moments were gone when we saw the Snæfellsjökull Glacier. She is holy magnificent & mysterious.



We stepped out and the group did some awesome, qwerty photos at Snæfellsjökull Glacier. With its height of 1446 m, it is the highest mountain on the peninsula and has a glacier at its peak. The setting of the novel/movie – Journey to the Center of the Earth, the wind at the glacier was strong and icy. Imagine “hitting on your face, body” at 40mph & above, my brain & hands were frozen. #frozen


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After 30 minutes we drove off Arnarstapi, I realized one of the tyres has lower pressure. We hunted high and low, knocking on the locals’ doors for 1 hour. But, in vain. We were at a village which I termed – “Birds don’t lay eggs place”. The only option now was to drive (drag the tyres) at a slow, constant speed to Borgrane petrol kiosk. Conclusion, yes we reached Reykjavik almost 9:30pm.



We headed to Fiskmarkaðurinn for our last dinner in Iceland. Address: 101 Aðalstræti, Reykjavík. Fiskmarkaðurinn houses in an historic wood-frame building at Reykjavik’s city’s center, marries the classic Icelandic architecture with trendy Asian décor. Regional Icelandic specialties are joined by sushi, sashimi and traditional seafood dishes with Asian twists. A total damage was €60 per person. #yummy




Too many reasons to fall in love with Iceland – A Spectacular Living Wilderness and “Expect The Unexpected” landscapes. For travelers who love stunning, natural landscapes, photography and outdoor activities, you should go Iceland. But perhaps to the mass holiday goers, they would feel this is just a barren land, no shopping, not a “proper” city etc.

Do you know that Iceland is is geologically new, created 16-18 million years ago due to being located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Earth’s crust is being ripped apart? Do you know Iceland has six geothermal power stations provide all electricity, as well as hot water, to the 320,000 inhabitants and over 1 million tourists who visit each year? #iloveiceland

The mix of both fire and ice creates unique hazards as the volcanic eruptions rapidly melt huge volumes of ice causing devastating floods known as “jökulhlaups”. Yet most incredibly of all, the escaping energy beneath the ground is used to heat huge greenhouses, growing the tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and fruits in Iceland.

I was left in awe of the power of nature, the fragility of our own existence but, also in admiration of how Icelanders have harnessed its natural power. I love gaining new knowledge, experiences & cultures from my travel adventures. It gives me a new form of respect to this little country and her people. #visiticeland

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” ~ Martin Buber.

How could one resist the extraordinary from The Land of Fire and Ice? So, start planning, packing your bags and visit Iceland today!

Exotic Xinjiang | 10 Mind-Blowing Landscapes

Xinjiang is located in China’s northwest, where East meets West,  an exotic destination with previous memories of the Silk Road. Mother Nature lives and breathes in Xinjiang –  Truly diverse, exotic & unique.  #blownaway

#1| Wucaiwan (Multi-Coloured Bay), 五彩湾

The Wucaiwan is a geological formation in Asia. Dated back to the Middle Jurassic, Wucaiwan is a piece of the Gobi desert. Her amazing 5 colours of the rocks changes at different hour of the day, depending on the sunlight.





Tip #1 – We engaged a driver and took 3 hours from Urmuqi to Wucaiwan.

#2| Tianchi (Heavenly Lake), 天山天池

For a moment, I thought I was in Interlaken, Lake Thun. The Heavenly Lake stands at an elevation of 1,980m and 1.5 hour drive from Urmuqi. Calm, serene and beautiful lush green landscape!




Tip #2 – Upon entrance fee, you will queue for the bus. It would take a 20 minute windy roads up the mountain. After dropped off, you can either hike up a 500m to Tianchi Lake or take a motorized cart by paying extra.

#3| Jiaohe Ruins (Site of Yar City), 交河故城

A Chinese archaeological site found in the Yarnaz Valley – One of the largest, oldest & best preserved cities of its time in China. She is an important site along the Silk Road trade route leading west, and was adjacent to the Korla and Karasahr kingdoms.





Tip #3 – At Jiaohe Ruins, there is no shelter as you tour the sight. Do have your sunblock protection & gears on.

#4| The Flaming Mountain, 火焰山

Situated northern rim of the Taklamakan Desert, The Flaming Mountains of Turpan provide an incredible backdrop for the Silk Road history. Barren, extreme harsh and one of the hottest places in China! #heatkills







#5| Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, 柏孜克里千佛洞

Dated from 5th to 14th centuries, The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves is a complex of Buddhist cave grotto. There are 77 caves decorated with Buddha murals. Many murals were damaged by the local Muslim population.






#6| Grape Valley, 葡萄沟

Northeast of Turpan city and a gully to the west of the Flaming Mountain lies the Grape Valley. Using the karez underground irrigation system, this place produces the sweetest grapes in China, as well as melon. #naturalsweet







#7| Sayram Lake, 赛里木湖

Sayram Lake is the largest and highest alpine lake in Xinjiang. Surrounded by the vast verdant grassland, the lake reflects the colour of the sky. The most beautiful, serene lake I have seen throughout my travel (42 countries & 132 cities)! #fellinlove 





#8| Lavender Field, 薰衣草基地

What leads me to Xinjiang was to celebrate my 40th birthday in the purple lavender fields. Prior to the lavender fields in Yili valley, we drove past Guozi Valley (the gateway to Central Asia and Europe on the ancient North Silk Road).

The best period to visit the lavender field is from June to mid July. The lavender’s full bloom is mid June, with farmers harvesting and completed at end June.

20140711_120454Mother Nature’s Piece of Arts – Guozi Valley





#9| Kalajun Grassland, 喀拉峻草原

Kalajun, also known as “The Grassland in the Air” – Alpine meadow natural grassland, a total of 2,848 sq kilometres. For generations, people on the grassland have lived a simple nomadic life. Best season in early summer in May with clusters of colorful flowers in full blossom. #mindblowing







#10| Narati Grassland, 那拉提草原

Nalati Grassland is one of the four largest alpine meadows in the world. High mountains capped with snow, abundant vegetation, plains carpeted with wild flowers and the wandering herds of goats, sheep and cows! “Narati” means “The place where the sun rises” in Mongolian language. #amazinglandscape








Discover Xinjiang|Her People

Before I go Xinjiang, people have warned me about the bombing incidents and how I should refrain visiting. I am a firm believer of “Seeing is Believing”. Yes misfortunes do happen, however we should NOT penalize the country nor the citizens.

Xinjiang locals were extremely friendly, down to earth & peaceful people. They had undergone tough times, harsh environment, and survived with greaintegrityy. #happypeople #simplelife

IMG_5652The musician playing tribal guitar (donate at any amount)

IMG_6232The young kid “selling photo time” with him in tribal costume

IMG_5800The local dancer impressing us with her tribal dance

IMG_6230Local farmer selling his freshly plucked Tianshan Xuelian

IMG_6057Local horse caretaker at Kalajun Grassland with strong European features

Discover Xinijang|Her Food

My friends have been asking me about Xinjiang cuisine.My favourite would be the barbecued meat in the fragrant wood sticks and only served in certain restaurants. Infused with the natural fig wood with marinated meat – Delicious!

20140712_150239Spice barbecued meat in fig wood

20140711_204615Normal barbecued meat in metal stick

20140710_135303Xinjiang rice is always cooked with carrots

20140711_215417Xinjiang Uyghur Bread

20140710_134857Xinjiang Stir Fried Chicken with Chilli, Potato & Bell Pepper

20140709_135134A common lunch in Xinjiang – Meat & sauce to be poured onto the noodles

20140711_182756How Xinjiang locals make their cheese

Discover Xinjiang|My After-thoughts

Xinjiang tourism only starts May to September as the winter is long & harsh. With a short window gap of four months, tourism price are steep and not your average China tour.

I have a Yili driver contact to share. You need to speak Mandarin to text him via wechat app. The standard rate is RMB1,000 per day for a car. Yili sights: Grassland, Sayram Lake & Lavender Fields, please contact Driver Yang +8613209927128.

Edited Julia 2

I love Xinjiang. Experiencing the colorful lifestyles, culture and food of the Xinjiang’s ethnic groups. Her magnificent & diversity landscape can teleport us from one world to another. The vastness of grassland and extraordinary surreal lake evokes inner peace in me. #visitxinjiang

Eastern Europe | 5 Reasons To Visit Romania Transylvania

Forget the busy and tourist-packed destinations – Prague, Rome, Venice, Paris and so on. Romania should be your next destination. She is tourist-ready with good infrastructure, beautiful natural landscapes and lastly, very affordable.

Romania’s Transylvania, circled by the Carpathian mountains is rich in myth and misty medieval sites. One of the most beautiful natural regions in Europe with picturesque, medieval fortress towns and monasteries.

romania-regions-mapGet Your Bearings Right. My First Trip to Brasov & Sibiu

I engaged a private tour guide for €75/person (exclude all admission fees). Here are my top 5 reasons to visit Southeast Transylvania.

#1| Visit The Orthodox Monastery

The Sinaia Monastery, an Orthodox religious sanctuary located in the city of Sinaia, Prahova County. Consists of 2 courtyards, a small church built in the Byzantine style and impressive wall paintings.











#2|Visit One of The Most Beautiful Castles in Europe

Forget the Neuschwanstein Castle, Prague Castle, Edinburgh Castle. Do you know Romania has some of the greatest and best preserved castles in Europe?

Nestled at the foot of the Bucegi Mountains in the picturesque town of Sinaia, Peleş Castle is a masterpiece of German Renaissance architecture, considered as one of the most beautiful castles in Europe.






Peleş Castle, an elegant German & Italian Renaissance combine with Gothic Revival, French Rococo style and striking Baroque, Saxon & Swiss alpine influences. I absolutely love the perfect, beautiful harmony above all.






Peleş Castle’s exteriors is in Italian Neo-Renaissance terraces adorned with large balconies, manicured gardens, fountains, marble paths, delicate cravings & stunning stone sculptures.

#3|Overwhelmed By The Peleş Castle Museum

Just when you think that the exteriors blew you away, you would be totally floored by Peleş Castle’s interiors. Let’s begin with The Big Armory Room  The home to the finest & most extensive weapon collections in Europe.




We were awed by the the abundance & splendid wooden decorations and carpentry. Decorated with sophistication to the slightest details! All the 170 rooms reflects the magnificent wealth, high aesthetic standards and the assets of Romanian royalty.






Other rooms are Moorish Saloon with indoor marble fountain, the Louis XIV- style Theater, the Imperial Suite leather wall coverings & the Turkish Parlor. Pelisor’s 70 rooms feature unique collection of Viennese furniture, exquisite ebony & ivory sculptures.



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All the rooms of the Peleş Castle are extremely lavishly furnished. Example, the ceiling of Florentine Room will wow you with the intricate carpentry & Murano crystal chandeliers. The room is decorated with world’s famous paintings and ornated furniture.





The Peleş Castle Museum exhibits remarkable arts collections from statues made of gold, the silver plates, the Sevres porcelain and more than 2,000 priceless paintings.






I am well traveled and have been to many castles in Europe. Peleş Castle wins hands down and would definitely impress the most demanding visitor. The admission fee was RON 50 (€11), to visit the castle ground & first floor.

#4|Inside Bran Castle

Let’s get it right: Bram Stoker – Dracula is a fictional character, a Transylvania Count. Vlad the Impaler, a Walachian Prince ruled Wallachia (now Romania) in the 15th century lived in this Bran Castle.






In my opinion, Bran Castle is not as spectacular as Peleș Castle. It was just an old fortress, perching on a dramatic hilltop near Brasov in central Romania. Bran Castle was also once the residence of Queen Maria of Romania in 1918.







#5|Liveable Brasov

Brasov, the second largest city in Transylvania is an old medieval Saxon city. She is not tourists-packed and the locals speak some English. Her streets are very clean and lined with modern cafes and restaurants.






The Black Church, also known as Biserica Neagră is the most distinctive attraction in Brasov city. The Black Church’s organ with 4,000 pipes is considered one of the biggest in Europe.




Transylvania|My After-Thoughts

This was my first trip to Romania and I fell in love with Transylvania region. She’s inexpensive, without sacrificing quality. Look at the awestruck exhibits in Peleş Castle Museum at €11 versus the “Not so spectacular or extensive collection” in Český Krumlov Castle (€8), Hohensalzburg Castle (11) and Prague Castle (13).

I have already worked out my future visit in Transylvania.

  • Sighisoara – The colourful houses in this UNESCO site;
  • Suceava – The Moldovita Monastery;
  • Maramures, Sãpânta – The Merry Cemetery and
  • Maramures – Wooden Churches

Romania, I will definitely visit you again!

Eastern Europe |The 7 Must-Do in Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik, also known as “Pearl of the Adriatic” is one of the most visited & beautiful towns in the Mediterranean. This fortified city is declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

#1|Walk along the Ancient City Walls

Surrounding Dubrovnik, the two-kilometer city walls run through many towers and forts. The thickness of the wall vary at different sections and serves to protect the city.20130806_165414



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#2|Enjoy 360 degree Panoramic Views

A 3 minutes cable car ride up to Mount Srd is a must in Dubrovnik. You can see the Island of Lokrum, Red-Tiled Roofs, The Adriatic Sea and the Croatian border & mountains in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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IMG_0726At Napoleon Fortress with a war memorial cross

#3|Watch Sunset on Mount Srđ

Towering above Dubrovnik to the north, the 412m summit of Mount Srđ is one of the best spot, to watch the sun setting into the Adriatic Sea, gleaming off with rays of happiness.IMG_0734


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Here is a video captured at the top of Mount Srđ and the spectacular sunset.

#4|Stroll on Stradun Street in Dubrovnik Old Town

The charming pedestrian-only old town, packed with aristocratic palazzi and elegant Baroque churches, contained within sturdy medieval fortifications. You thought you were brought back to the 15th century!

IMG_0661Enter the old town through the Pile Gate

20130806_172657Stunning architectures & sculptural details

2013-08-06 21.50.39A pharmacy dated back to the 14th century

IMG_0677The laundry in Dubrovnik’s Old Town

IMG_0671Magnificent stone walls of the Old Town

2013-08-06 21.19.35Entering the Old Town

2013-08-06 21.15.34The Onofrio Fountain connected to a natural spring

2013-08-06 22.25.04Beautiful, smooth marbled floor in Stradun streets

IMG_0679Steep walkways from the Stradun in Dubrovnik

IMG_0778Dusk at Saint Blaise Church

2013-08-07 01.22.55Tourist-packed Old Town in Dubrovnik

#5|Swim in Adriatic Sea




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#6|People-watch at The Old Town Harbour, Gruz

Once a hub for Dubrovnik’s trading fleet from all over the world in the 15th century. Today, she is used mostly by local fishermen and as a dock for the argosies & galleons.

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#7|Fan of The Game of Thrones

The filming location of Tyrion and Lord Varys planned the defense of King’s Landing in Season 2.
IMG_0655The Bokar Fort created by Florentine architect, Michelozzi

The first episode of the Season 2 depicting the celebration of King Joffrey’s day.
IMG_0658The Lovrijenac Fort

Located outside the Dominican monastery, this street is regularly used for scenes in Season 2 & 3.
2013-08-06 23.52.56Svetog Dominika Street

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#8|Quick Tips


  • An expensive tourist city in the Mediterraneans, especially during Summer. Best to visit off-shoulder periods in May to June or Sep to Oct.
  • If coming from airport, it would be a 30-45 minutes drive to the city. Sit on the left side of the car, to capture some stunning coastal views.
    2013-08-08 12.30.42
  • Most attractions are located in the car-free old town. Bring practical shoes.
  • Feast on the classic Dalmatian seafood dinner.IMG_0788

From 5,000 residents (in 1991) to 500 (in 2014), most have sold their properties and moved modern suburb of Lapad.

Despite she is usually tourist-packed and the ever-increasing prices, Dubrovnik remains as one of the world’s most magnificent medieval city walls. Visit Dubrovnik today!

“Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle.” – George R.R. Martin