Incredible Yunnan │ Photographing The Yuanyang Rice Terraces

Situated in the Ailao Mountains of southern Yunnan, Yuanyang Rice Terrace is a photographers’ dream destination. Imagine endless, luxuriant terraced rice fields, and passed down generations by generation; your camera lens are screaming for more.

#1 Duoyishu (多依树)│Best for Sunrises and Sea of Clouds 






Duoyishu is at an elevation of 1,900m and with more than 1,647 acres of the terraces including Aichun & Dawazhe. It was a total magical feeling for me, to witness the sun rose among the sea of clouds and the golden reflections of the rice terraces. #goldensunrise

I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.” ― E.E. Cummings

#2 Longshuba (龙树坝)│Best for Red Coloured Water Terraces




Terraces are covered by large amounts of red duckweeds. The reflection of the sky and red duckweeds add radiance and create a stunning contrast.

#3 Laohuzui (老虎嘴)│Best for Three Dimensional Views




The thousand-tiered terraces cover an area of 113 hectares, Laohuzui is the most representative and magnificent place for the Yuanyang Hani Terraces. From different angles, one may see galloping horses, hidden dragons, or a tortoise with thousands of years old sitting at the bottom of valley. Also, best for the sunset photography. #intense

#4 Bada (坝达)│Best for Sunsets





Horded by many photographers, Bada is sexy and beautifully contoured, with an area of 950 km and 3,700 flights of rice terraces. I was so mesmerized, watching the sun setting, transforming Yuanyang Rice Terrace into a sea of gold. #breathtaking

#5 Qingkou Hani Village (箐口哈尼民俗村)│Minority Tribe





With 150 families & more than 800 villagers, this village represents the integrity of the ethnic culture of the Hani tribe. The Hani women dress traditionally in bright hand-embroidered necklines, colorful baby carriers and elaborate head-wear. You can also view the mushroom-shaped houses.

#6 Best Time To Visit│January through March



The 190,000 rice fields staggers from 144m to 2,940m elevation only yield one crop per year. When filled with water, the rice paddy fields turn into million of mirrors reflecting the sky. #mindblowing #irrigated






The smoked beef & yuanyang brown rice were till date, some of the most delicious dishes I had in China. #musteat


Take a 6 hours bus ride to Xinjie town from Kunming South Bus Terminal. At Xinjie town, board a bus to Yuanyang village, approximately 1 hour.

I always advocate that there is no easy way to see natural marvels. This road trip is definitely NOT for the dainty. The road passes through mountainous areas and one toilet break in-between. The journey was tiring, rough, but worth it.



Yuanyang Rice Terrace is huge and you will need to rent a local mini van to travel between different spots. We met 2 local travelers and together, 4 of us we decided to rent one at RMB 700 for the full day.



The day of departure, due to insufficient people, the Xinjie to Kunming long distance bus route was closed. I had to take a local mini bus to Jian Shui (建水) and re-route to Kunming. Do not be surprised that when the mini bus seats are full, they provide stools. Imagine I was doing my balancing act on 1 hour of mountainous dirt roads. #expecttheunexpected



Mass tourism has yet to hit Yuanyang Rice Terrace, swarmed by both amateur and experienced photographers. It is a village here and do not have any expectations of your city life. The locals live on those terraces; from sunrise in farm and till sun down. #simple #peaceful




Yuanyang Rice Terrace, in my opinion, has the best series of rice terraces in the world. And, also one of the most beautiful places for sunrise and sunset photography. #inawe #mindblowing

Conquering Mt Huangshan | 黄山

Located in Anhui, Mt Huangshan (黄山) has 36 jutting granite peaks, rising above 1,800 metres attitude above sea level. The mountains were formed in the Mesozoic, about 100 million years ago.

She represents “the typical mountain” in Chinese paintings. Also famous for sunrise, pine trees and views of clouds touching the mountains, for more than 200 days out of the year.

1│How to Get to Mount Huangshan

Tangkou (汤口镇) is the main point of access for Mt Huangshan. One must know that the hike is 12 km and requires an entire day (up-and-down) before the cable car ceased operation at 4:30pm.

Photo 48
Source from Internet: Mt Huangshan Map

You must plan & decide: Complete the hike in a day OR stay at the hotels in Mt Huangshan (Scarce & expensive). We decided on a night stay at Beihai Hotel for RMB 800/night. Not too rushed and aimed to watch The Sea of Clouds during sunset & sunrise.

2│Tunxi Old Town (屯溪)

A lazy afternoon, exploring Tuxi Old Town. Being well-travelled in China, Tunxi Old Town is a “better” one – Not populated & her people are laid-back considered.









Walked into a simple local restaurant, ordered the food from their kitchen and spent less than RMB 40 for two. My husband had a great laugh – The amazing small tool can take my weight.





3│Mt Huangshan Ascend Hike – Day 1

We left our luggage at Tunxi hotel and prepped our day-pack for an overnight stay in Mt Huangshan. Woke up to a heavy downpour and were told that the weather may improved during the day. Hopped into a local taxi and went ahead to Tangkou for RMB30, 1 way (30 minutes ride).

IMG_5383Heavy rain became drizzle

  • Entrance Fee: RMB230/person (inclusive of a 15 minutes shuttle bus ride to the cable station)
  • Cable Car Fee: RMB 132/person (return)

7km Hike by Western Route & Key Viewpoints: Yuping Cableway – Greeting Guests Pine – Lotus Pavilion – One Hundred Ladders – Narrow Cliff – Turtle Peak – Lying Rock in Cloud – Bright Top – Rock Watching Pavilion – Beihai Hotel

IMG_5385Queuing for Yuping Cable Car Ride

20120717_114331Ready to Conquer despite the drizzle

This was the most depressing & difficult hike I had till date. Let my pictures do the “talking”. #chinaqueueiseverywhere




The end-less steep flight of stairs, between intermittent drizzle and heavy pours, see none of the famous 36 peaks and proclaimed landscapes due to the thick fog. #painful





Tired as we ascended in the rain and frustrated that my DSLR was spoilt due to the rain! Getting to our hotel was our only goal. Witnessing the porter carrying the supplies to the hotels motivated me to press on.




Hundred-step Cloud Ladder is located on the northwest cliff of the Lotus Peak. Such a poetic & artistic name, as we approached, terrors were shown on our faces! #nasty




The above picture was the next section that we need to hike. Yes, in the fog! Arrived at “Gleam of Sky” (一线天), from the bottom of the stairs, one is supposed to see the sky through the rocks. A new name is borne –“Stairways from Hell”. #killme #whyamihere

20120717_142706My Photo of Gleam of Sky (一线天) – Imagine rain water gushed on us as we climb

wKgB3FCdCGqAO35EAAcDjnQHsno45.groupinfo.w600Source from internet to showcase the 65 degree steep & narrow path

This stairway was the most “painful” section among all. “Spider-man” our way up and I recalled how I screamed out for “strength” in the midst of it. I could still recall my calves & whole body were trembling upon completed. #atrocious #neveragain

A Chinese man (besides me, seems well rested) said, “You made it, and you ought to be proud.” I replied, “Yah just resurrected from the “Stairways from Hell”. Another 2 km, we passed Bright Summit Peak & reached our hotel.


Our first (and last) Mt Huangshan experience – Terrifying 7km ascend in the rain for 7 hours! Dashed to the bed and I could not feel my legs anymore. #fogkillssunset

20120717_185539Giving some love

4│Mt Huangshan Descend Hike – Day 2

5km Hike by Eastern Route & Key Viewpoints: From Beihai Hotel – Black Tiger Pine – “Beginning-to-Believe Peak” – Harp Pine – Mushroom Pavilion – Yugu New Cableway.

Thanks to the fog (again), no sunrise in Mt Huangshan! Checked out at noon and began our descend.

20120718_121940Fog outside our hotel at 10am

20120718_131937Seems more cleared up at 12 noon

20120718_132558Usual English translation error in China

20120718_132901Potters in Mt Huangshan

20120718_133200Umbrella Pine Tree

20120718_143518Beautiful pine trees

20120718_134055Mt Huangshan Love Locks

20120718_133530Left to visit “Beginning-To-Believe” Peak

20120718_140300I Began To Believe We Meant To See Nothing

20120718_135110“Beginning-To-Believe” Peak …


Just when you think “descending Mt Huangshan – going down”, don’t be surprised to see the endless flights of stairs ascending?!






Reached Yugu New Cableway, bought our tickets and as we descended, the sky cleared up. My husband said, “Goodbye Mt Huangshan, I don’t think I will ever come back again.” We laughed.

5│My After-thoughts – Oh almighty Mt Huangshan! You left us a very bitter after-taste and “extraordinary” experience. Lucky are those who witnessed the Sea of Clouds of Mt Huangshan in a great weather.

I loved the encouraging words, cheering from fellow hikers as we climbed. We often pondered (as we hiked), how the entire route was built and also, gave credits to the builders. #kudos

20120717_155235Agree to Disagree (ha-ha)

6│Important Tips To Know (Price as of 2012)

Yungu Cable Car: Open time: 07:30hr – 16:30hr (All Days). One way ticket at RMB66.

Yuping Cable Car: Open time: 08:00hr – 16:00hr (Mon – Thur) and 07:30 hr – 16:30hr (Fri – Sun). One way ticket at RMB66   

Taiping Cable Car: Open time: 08:00-16:30 (Sun – Thur) and 07:30 hr – 16:30hr (Fri – Sat). One way ticket: RMB 66. Longest distance cable car with most scenery.

# Best Spots For Sunrise: Qingliang Flat, Shuguang Pavilion, Lion Peak, Shixin Peak, Danxia Peak, Guang Ming Ding (Bright Summit), Big Turtle Peak & Yuping building (Jade Screen Building)

# Best Spots For Sunset: Paiyun Pavilion, Danxia Peak, Flying Stone, Guang Ming Ding (Bright Summit) & Lion Peak

# Best Spots For Sea of Cloud: Yuping building (Jade Screen Building), Qingliang Flat, Bai’e Ling (White Goose Mountain), Paiyun Pavilion & Guang Ming Ding (Bright Summit)

Jade Screen Scenic Area: Most famous scenic area in Mt Huangshan. Perching high into the clouds, the Jade Screen Pavilion is famed as the “Imperial Palace in Heaven”. The Trio are: Lotus Flower Peak, Bright Summit Peak & Celestial Peak. You can see the famous Welcoming Guest Pine and Seeing-off Guest Pine.

Bright Summit: Second summit of Yellow Mountain at 1,860m high. Due to flat ground, a popular spot to see famous peaks – Lotus Peak, Heavenly Capital Peak & Turtle Peak.

North Sea Scenic Area/Beihai Scenic Area: Few km away is The Cloud-Dispelling Pavilion. The Beihai Hotel is located near the Lion Peak, at an altitude of 1,630m above sea level.

In the Dawn Pavilion, one may enjoy the beautiful scenery of Beginning-to-believe Peak & Goddess Peak, as well as the Stalagmite Bridge.

The Best of Cambodia in 7 Days

Angkor Wat, UNESCO heritage site is one of the largest archaeological sites in operation in the world. This architectural masterpiece is well-preserved and occupies 400 km2 (about 60 % of Singapore). Be awed by its mightiness & magnificence.

Hence, do not underestimate the distance between temples & ruins. Tip #1: Do hire a driver or tuk-tuk as low as USD20 for a whole day, to bring you from sight to sight. Trust me, you need to preserve your energy to “lara croft” around these Khmer temples & ruins.

Day 1│Angkor Thom

Tip#2: Purchase your Angkor Wat pass either 1 day (USD20), 3 days (USD40) or 7 days (USD60). We bought a 3 days pass and kick-start our Khlmer adventures with Bayon Temple via the north gate and explored the entire Angkor Thom on foot.






My favourite was the Bayon Temple, situated north of Angkor Wat. Established as the capital of the Khmer Empire at 12th century, the complex of buildings cover an area of 9 square km and include many well preserved buildings.

Leper King Terrace, Angkor ThomLeper King Terrace

Elephant Terrace, Angkor ThomElephant Terrace 

1912196_10152173874100700_1730579070_nBehind us stood the Bas Relief Figures

Day 1│Angkor Wat

Tip #3: Start as early as possible because by late morning, you would be under the blazing heat & unbearable humidity. Have your sunblock protection & constantly hydrate yourself with water. I witnessed tourists fainting and symptoms of heat stroke during my 3 days in Angkor Wat.

P4270327Entering Angkor Wat via the sandstone causeway at west gate

IMG_1001The Seven-headed Naga (Serpent) & The Lion

Within the Temple

A common sight of Theravada Buddhist Monks & their vibrant orange robes (also, one of my fav photos)IMG_0166

The Central Temple is surrounded by the longest bas reliefs in the world. Mostly completed in the early 12th century. With more than 3,000 Apsaras carved into the walls, each supposedly unique. IMG_1027

The third storey of the central temple is known as Bakan, the Kingdom of the Gods, and is suitably difficult to reach. For several years the Kingdom of the Gods was not accessible, but is now open with limited visitors. IMG_1051


Tip #4: Please wear appropriate attire as you are in the temple and also, proper shoes. Most stairs are narrow and each step is half the length of your feet!? Be careful, not to fall as you are averagely at the height of 5th – 6th storey.

P4270293Avoid visiting Angkor Wat during wet season (June to Oct) due to all these hiking in the open

The View from the Top

As I spider-man myself up with my hands, I asked “Why on earth, I am doing this? Once you reached the top, you would be rewarded with the stunning view from the top. #breathtaking



Day 2│Angkor Wat

Almost all the tourists will not miss for the icon Angkor Wat’s sunrise-reflection photo. Unfortunately for us, it was too cloudy at the breaking dawn that we were not able to witness the famous golden Angkor Wat sunrise. #whatashame



Angkor Wat itself is made of sandstone blocks floated 50km downstream from holy Phnom Kulen.  Inscriptions tell that 300,000 workers and 6,000 elephants were used in the construction of the wat in the 12th Century.

P1070750Bakong Prasat temple in Angkor Wat complex

Beng MealeaChaotic beauty from Beng Mealea Temple

Banteay Srei TempleBanteay Srei Ruins

P1070771Sunset at Phnom Bakheng

IMG_0356Neak Pean – As usual the last in the group as I am still photographing

By now, most of us would be temple or ruins overdose. Thus, it is important to read up some history of the site so that, one can fully appreciate them. I have been to a few magnificent ruins around the world. I must say, Angkor Wat is one of the world’s best.

DAY 3│Ta Prohm

IMG_0280Banteay Kdei is situated at the south of Ta Prohom

P1070632Many were badly looted

P1070696Intact decorative colorful sandstone covered with ornate carvings

P1070642Lost among the Jungle & Ruins

P4280357I had a new form of respect for the aging giants

Ta Prohm has been largely left to the clutches of the living jungle and bounded by massive roots of huge trees. With its dynamic interaction between nature and man-made art, this amazing temple is a favorite for many.

P1070505Temple of Ta Prohm

P1070482Amazingly Entwined

IMG_1157A Sense of Sacredness

P4280369We felt so part of Laura Coft’s crew

P4280394Pre Rup Temple

Tip #5: One should wear more bright colours & sweat-freeattire, to standout in the pictures versus patches of perspiration appearing in your photos.

Tip #6: Go for daily foot reflexlogy in Angkor Wat for as low as USD10 for an hour (price back in 2007). With daily walking of 5-6 hours, your feet will thank for it. 

I highly recommend 3 full days in Angkor Wat itself especially if you love architectures marvel & photography. #norush

DAY4 & 5│Phnom Penh

Travelling from Angkor Wat to Phnom Penh would take 6-7 hours averagely by bus. Way back in my 2007 trip, the coach cost USD 6, one way and was not as modern (versus now with wifi & charging point at USD12). Took a 7am coach, arrived at 1pm and headed straight to the Killing Fields.

The Killing Fields

She is only reason for me to visit the capital of Cambodia. About 15km away from the main city, it is easily reachable by tuk-tuk. Witnessed one of the worst massacres in history and the brutality of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge regime which killed millions. It was such a somber atmosphere and I did not wish to take further pictures. #disgusted





A minute of respect to all victims suffered at The Killing Fields! #restinpeace

IMG_0446We came across the government campaign and decided to join in

IMG_0620BBQ meat for my french loaf (USD 1) as breakfast was one of my favs

IMG_1120Simple dinner at Cambodia

IMG_0227Stunning Khmer cuisine

IMG_0239Enjoying a Khmer performance over our dinner

DAY 6 & 7│Sihanoukville

Not many are aware that Cambodia has coastal lines and beautiful beachfront. Sihanoukville has white sand beaches and clear water, projecting a laid back atmosphere.

DSC00012A 5 hours coach from Phom Penh to Sihanoukville

IMG_0586Lazy afternoon at the beachfront

IMG_0570Yummy, fresh shrimps by the beach

20801444165_8180ec45a1_oAwesome Cambodia Ice coffee 

P1070966Dragon guarding Sihanoukville 

P1070904Wat Leu Temple at Sihanoukville


Tip #7: Hop onto a scooter for USD 1 to move around in Sihanoukville. Back in 2007, Sihanoukville beach & resorts are very affordable compared to her neighboring countries. No itinerary or plans needed, just chillax! 

P1080030Spectacular sunset at Sihanoukville


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEntertaining Fire show

Cambodia│My After-thoughts

Back in 2007 when I visited Cambodia, it was still much a developing country. She is totally inexpensive. A USD 1 beer, USD 5 souvenir tshirt or for USD 20, one would be feasting like a queen.

Tip #8: Do not be bothered to change to local currency and just spend in USD. Do not that their currency is not recognized outside of the country.

P1070389Happy Cambodian Kids

IMG_0442Hard to Bid Farewell

Her people are friendly & warm. Their smiles are genuine and easily contented folks. I love their street foods, as well as Khlmer cuisine. Of course, Angkor Wat never disappoints. I have to admit after witnessing Angkor Wat, the other ruins round the world are trying very hard to impress me, this refesber.